English title: Porco Rosso
Categories: Airforce, Anthropomorphism, Military, Mina, Romance
During the beginning years of the Great Depression, life in the Mediterranean has become difficult. Aerial pirate raids are gaining in frequency, thus requiring the need for capable "bodyguards". One of the best is a pig known as Porco Rosso. Once a human and an ace pilot during World War I, he now freelances his services to those in distress. The fascist regime that has taken over the Italian Air Force has grown tiresome of his exploits and places a bounty on his head. On top of that, a hotshot flyer from the United States arrives and not only wants to steal Porco Rosso's glory, but also the woman he loves so dearly.
Video: 656×432 (anamorphic 779×442) h264@2619kbps
Audio: 2 tracks
• Japanese,
• English (Disney dub)
• French (personally, I think is an excellent and possibly the best non-Japanese dub in the whole of the Studio Ghibli films. It’s simply worth it just to hear Jean Reno as the lead)
Subs: 3 tracks
• English (soft SRT)
• English (ASS)