In 2011, Keito Okamoto of Hey! Say! JUMP will appear in the drama's final episode as a student delinquent.[1]
Part of Kinpachi sensei's enduring appeal is the fact that the character's energy and dynamism help to steer him through all of life's difficulties; there never seems to be a single time in the show's history in which Kinpachi is not beset by a host of social or personal problems: teen bullying, Kinpachi's son developing cancer, violence directed against teachers
Part of Kinpachi sensei's enduring appeal is the fact that the character's energy and dynamism help to steer him through all of life's difficulties; there never seems to be a single time in the show's history in which Kinpachi is not beset by a host of social or personal problems: teen bullying, Kinpachi's son developing cancer, violence directed against teachers