A.K.A.: Shake Rattle & Roll 10
IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1314843/
Cast: Kim Chiu, Roxanne Guinoo, JC De Vera, Wendell Ramos, Gerald Anderson, Marian Rivera, MyleneDizon, Robert Villar, Diana Zubiri, Mart Escudero, Niña Jose, IC Mendoza, Desiree del Valle, Eda Nolan. Jean Garcia, Jennica Garcia, Denise Laurel, Erich Gonzales
Directed: Michael Tuviera, Topel Lee
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Fantasy
Runtime: 2hrs.& 20mins.
Country: Philippines
Language: Filipino/Tagalog
Subtitles: No Eng Subs
First Episode: EMERGENCY is set in a hospital where it's business as usual. Sarah (Roxanne Guinoo) is tending to her patients while her nurse ex-flame Jay (JC De Vera) is unknowingly transporting an injured "aswang" (Mylene Dizon) to the hospital. The "aswang" wakes up only to find her unborn baby dead and blames humanity for their troubles. Together with her husband (Wendell Ramos) and a slew of other "aswangs," the murderous creatures start a vendetta with all the people in the hospital.[/color]
Second Episode:CLASS PICTURE tells the story of a group of students who stay in their school campus overnight as they prepare for their approaching exhibit beforeX they graduate. But when their friend Nicole (Niña Jose) mysteriously disappears, Joy (Kim Chiu) thinks this has something to do with an old picture of a nun (Jean Garcia) she stumbled upon earlier. With time winding down, she must figure out the mystery involving the nun and some missing students from their school 110 years ago before she also suffers the fate of her unlucky classmate.[/color]
Third Episode:NIEVES is more fantasy than horror. The episode is the tale of Nieves (Marian Rivera), a young woman who has made a career of battling with spirits ("engkantos"

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Codec: XviD
Video Bitrate: 563 Kbps
Resolution: 560x320
Frame Rate: [color=black]23.976 fps
Audio Codec: MP3
Audio Bitrate: 128 Kbps